Age of Empires 2 has been a popular game for a long time, and user-created mods have become an integral part of it. The game’s developers have even integrated some of the best mods. These ten essential mods can help you have a cleaner game, gain a slight edge over your opponent, and improve your overall Age of Empires experience.
- Small Trees
- Useless Plant Remover
- Fish Borders
- Bigger Relics
- Improved Extended Tooltips
- Building Foundation Label
- Maximum Advantage UI
- Better Resource Panel
- Dark Minimap
Small Trees
Even mod-resistant pros use this mod. Small Trees has a few types of trees that fit the game’s ambience and have shadows on the grid beneath them, making it easy to tell which tile a tree is on. This mod is essential for competitive play, and it is found in the main menu of the game.
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Useless Plant Remover
This mod is perfect for those who have trouble spotting which plants can be cut and which are useless bushes. The Useless Plant Remover makes the game much cleaner without killing the ambience.
Fish Borders
Spotting and clicking on fish can be challenging. Fish Borders makes it easier to see and click on them.
Bigger Relics
The Relics are easier to spot with the added star on top of them. The Bigger Relics mod is handy when the Relic is behind or in between buildings.
Improved Extended Tooltips
This mod displays information that is usually hidden in the game. It shows different damage bonuses, exact numbers for movement speed, armor, and hidden armor. It gives hints on how to use the unit effectively. This mod is a must if you want to understand the game at a deeper level.
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Building Foundation Label
With the Building Foundation Label mod, each foundation has an icon displayed. This mod gives you an edge in the game because you’ll be able to know which building it was, even if you only catch a glimpse of the foundation.
Maximum Advantage UI
This mod addresses many different issues with the default Age of Empires UI. The resource and production tabs are moved to the bottom, and the minimap is significantly more prominent, making it easier to see sneaky villagers. The idle villager icon is more noticeable, and the top bar is completely removed.
Better Resource Panel
The Better Resource Panel works well with the Maximum Advantage UI. It addresses the small worker count per resource and puts everything in one place on the bottom of the screen.
Dark Minimap
This mod darker the terrain, resulting in more contrast between player colours, terrain, and resources. The dark gray player is now light gray, making it more distinguishable from the fog of war. Animals, gold, and stone are much easier to see.
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These mods can help you have a cleaner game, gain a slight edge over your opponent, and improve your Age of Empires experience. These mods are universally excellent and helpful, but some are personal preferences. These mods are necessary if you want to get a competitive edge in Age of Empires 2.