Civilization 6 is a popular strategy game that has suffered over the years from unnecessary bloat. With over 5,400 mods to choose from, it can be challenging to find the worthwhile ones.
I would like to clarify that this article is not a Civilization 6 Cheat Engine guide; this page will only cover mods from Nexus Mods.
In this article, we will delve into the ultimate digital board game and pick out the best mods.
- Removable Districts Mod
- Better Trade Screen and Quick Deals Mod
- Extended Policy Cards Mod
- Detailed Map Tacks Mod
Removable Districts Mod

The Removable Districts mod is excellent for new players or players of other strategy games like Humankind or Sid Meier’s Civilization 5. The game typically takes the cost of a district and charges you that in gold to move a district.
Once you’ve built your district, it’s stuck there for good. This mod changes that and allows you to relocate your district. It’s a wonderful mod and highly recommended for new players and old.
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Better Trade Screen and Quick Deals Mod

The Better Trade Screen and Quick Deals Mod are two mods in one. The Better Trade Screen is great for getting a better trade overview to determine where things are going and how much money you can make.
The Quick Deals Mod overlay trade allows you to see the best deals available for players who will buy it from you and how much they’re willing to pay or barter with you. This mod saves time and makes trading much more manageable.
Extended Policy Cards Mod

The Extended Policy Cards Mod is probably not the most exciting mod, but it’s practical. The great people one here is slightly better, but honourable mention. The mod helps manage the most bloated area of Civilization VI, the policy cards.
It does all the maths for you and shows you what the card does simply and effectively using pictures rather than detailed text descriptions.
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Detailed Map Tacks Mod

The Detailed Map Tacks Mod is designed for keen city planners and forward thinkers. Although installing the Movable Districts mod is less valuable, it has some other use cases. This mod helps you plan your districts and adjacencies.
It’s a great way to put down a tack that represents tile improvements, wonders, or districts and plan them out quickly. This mod saves time and helps you plan your cities better.
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In conclusion, Civilization 6 is an excellent game made even better by these fantastic mods. The Movable Districts, Better Trade Screen and Quick Deals, Extended Policy Cards, and Detailed Map Tacks mods are some of the best mods available.
These mods improve gameplay, save time, and enhance the overall experience of playing Civilization 6. Whether you’re a new player or a long-time franchise fan, these mods are worth checking out.